Thought I would share these photos with you…taken before guests tucked in to this delicious afternoon tea at a 50th birthday party earlier today. Happy Birthday Sam!
Rain, heavy rain, light showers, more rain. No surprise our little ones are getting a bit of cabin fever. Trips to the park are off the list, as is playing in the garden that now resembles a pond, and if I have to sufferthe indignity of trying to squeeze my Mummy body up and down through the soft play maze one more time I may be forced to emigrate. The summer holidays haven’t even begun and the children are getting fed up. Drawing, sticking, teddy bears tea parties and den building have served us well, but just aren’t cutting the mustard anymore. Time to mix it all up with a bit of kiddy baking….yes I know it’s messy, a little frustrating (they probably won’t do it like you would) and won’t necessarily result in something you would feed your mates, but they love it! Not only do they enjoy it, but it’s a great chance to teach them something new…weighing ingredients, counting out cupcake cases, learning new words…when else will they learn about ‘whisking’ and ‘sieving’?
There are lots of simple recipes that are great for baking with kids, some more suitable for slightly older kids, but there is something for everyone. For the older kids make cupcakes, cookies and flapjacks, with the little ones chocolate dipped strawberries, cupcake decorating (bake them yourself first), even icing and decorating plain biscuits goes down well. If they like picking the food colouring off the shelves try making your own playdoh in the colours they choose, they will love to watch as the gooey mixture turns to what they recognise as playdoh.
Last week I went for chocolate dipped strawberries, simple but fun and just about all I was brave enough to manage with 1-year old twins and a 3-year old. It worked well but I thought my 3-year old was up to a bit more of a challenge. So today (whilst Dad bathed the twins) we baked and decorated cupcakes. Read on to see how we got on and for the recipe we used…
Hand washing to get us started….
Counting out the cupcake cases…
Getting the mixture in to the cases…sticky fingers time…
Sophie’s selection of decorations…vast majority of the blue sparkle ended up decorating the floor…
Topping the cakes…actually tasted very good!
All in all a SUCCESS!! A bath was required and the kitchen needed a scrub down, but we were happy!
If you fancy giving it a try here is the recipe we used, a few ideas for variations and some thoughts to help you survive your afternoon baking.
Basic Cupcake Recipe
175g soft butter
175g caster sugar
175g self raising flour
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon whole milk
Preheat oven to 180c
Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Lightly whisk the eggs just to break them up, then add in the vanilla extract. Slowly add the egg mixture to the creamed butter and sugar.
Sieve the flour on to the top of the mixture and pour on the milk. Gently mix together until fully incorporated.
Spoon the mixture into the cupcake cases (cases should be about two-thirds full) and bake in the centre of the oven for 18-20 minutes.
Leave to cool completely and decorate with toppings of your choice.
Toppings and variations
A few thoughts to help you survive:
Give it a go and send us your photos…if not of the kids, at least of the mess they create!
Alice xx
This post was originally written for 4Manchester Women
Alice’s Vintage Pantry had a whole day away from baking this week to browse some of Manchester’s vintage shops. Luck was on our side and we found some beautiful pieces to add to our extensive vintage china collection…couldn’t wait to share some of them with you….
Vintage teacup, saucer and tea-plate (otherwise known as a ‘trio’) – beautiful gold detailing.
Teapot and sugar bowl (complete with their own cosy!)
Two-tier cake stand – this is going to look beautiful filled with scones and finger sandwiches.
To find out how you can hire these pieces and many others click here to send us an email or call Alice on 07890 090547.
We are constantly adding to our vintage china collection – visiting charity shops, car boot sales, antiques fairs and vintage markets – its always exciting getting up early to have a browse, you never know what you might find. Today was an especially exciting day…we took a family trip to a local vintage market(in South Manchester) and came home with three fantastic teapots along with some other bits and pieces. Good quality vintage teapots are quite difficult to find and can be very expensive, so to walk in to a vintage market and find these three sitting together was a real treat.
The afternoon has been spent trying tea from them all whilst deciding which is our favourite. Really hard to choose because all three are so different. The unusual shapes of the cream and gold ‘Sadler’ and the blue and gold ‘Arthur Wood’ nearly grabbed my vote, but when it came to it I couldn’t resist this cute little brown teapot that comes tucked up warm in its own shiny metal tea-cosy. The metal cosy is lined with insulation to keep your tea extra warm…now that is a perfect vintage teapot.
To see more of our vintage china collection take a peek around the rest of our website and if you would like to hire the vintage china for any occasion get in touch.
There is nothing like a vintage tea party for versatility: pretty vintage teacups and saucers, embroidered table linens and exquisite vintage cake stands are admired by all the ages (especially the ladies); gooey cakes, tasty finger sandwiches and scones served with plenty of clotted cream are popular with everyone (especially the men and children); and there are not many who don’t like a proper cuppa made with loose leaf tea and poured from a vintage teapot.
So no wonder that so many people are hosting vintage tea parties for so many different occasions. Alice’s Vintage Pantry has been super busy this month, booking for a wide variety of occasions, they include: a 40th garden party, a little boys 3rd birthday, a leaving do, afternoon tea for a girly get together, a Ladybird Ball, another 40th, several weddings and a golden wedding anniversary – phew! Whatever gathering you are planning, consider tea, cakes and vintage china…
From picnics to sports day – how to bake the perfect sponge cake
Winning the Mum’s race at sports day just isn’t that cool is it…nor was coming last as I remember from my last encounter with such an event (oh my goodness, how on earth did I manage that?!). What is cool is donating a beautifully light and perfectly risen Victoria Sandwich to the refreshments stall. Rising above the tray bakes and cupcakes the perfect sponge will make you proud that you tied your apron strings rather than the laces on your trainers. Whilst others are in their lycra sweating (yes, some Mums actually do put themselves and their kids in training for sports day!), you can be in the kitchen sipping tea whilst you mix your buttercream. And baking your own is at least a zillion times better than shop bought sponge. Not only does it taste far better, it’s cheaper, you know what’s in it and it’s a creation you can be proud of. This is all sounding a bit like a Kirsty Allsop dream…the reality is that many of us don’t have much success in getting our sponge to rise…flat cake syndrome is all too common and puts many off baking their own sponge cakes…so what to do about it? Well, there are some basic rules to baking that whilst pretty straight forward really do make all the difference to turning out a cracking cake. Have a read below, give it a go and let us know how you get on….
Victoria Sandwich recipes seem to be everywhere I look – with jubilee celebrations and the picnic season well and truly upon us, every supermarket shelf and magazine is offering us their variation on the classic sponge recipe. At Alice’s Vintage Pantry we use a tried and tested recipe that turns out the most delicious Victoria Sandwich…needless to say I’m quite keen to keep that one close to my chest, so here is another created by the super talented and much loved Delia Smith.
Preheat the oven to gas mark 3 / 170c. Grease and line two 18cm cake tins.
Cream butter and sugar together. In a separate bowl beat the eggs together thoroughly then slowly add to the butter and sugar. Stir in the vanilla essence. Sift the flour on to the mixture and slowly incorporate using a metal spoon. Divide the mixture equally between the two tins and bake for 25 minutes or until well risen and springy to the touch.
And if you don’t want to put your apron on don’t forget we can bake one for you – we deliver anywhere in Manchester, Cheshire and the surrounding areas.
This blog was originally posted on the 4Manchester Women website
At Alice’s Vintage Pantry we think vintage cake stands filled with scones and cakes look divine, that there is almost nothing better than drinking tea from a dainty vintage teacup when poured from a vintage teapot…but there is one thing that you need at your vintage tea party to complete the look…beautifully hand-embroidered vintage table linens. We have a large collection of table linens that we have been lucky enough to find in various places all over the country.
They range from smaller ‘tray cloths’ to large table cloths that look pretty covering any table, and can be overlaid on top of plain white table linens. The cloths featured in these photos are a few we bought earlier this week in Manchester; we love them so thought they were well worth a blog mention! Get in touch if you want to know more about hiring them or any other items from our collection.
Delighted to have found these gorgeous two tea-sets at a car boot sale this weekend…again it was worth the early start…if you live in Manchester, Cheshire or the surrounding areas and would like to hire these and many other vintage china items get in touch…
I love it when a new addition to our collection ofvintage china comes with a special story…it’s one thing to buy china at a vintage market, auction, charity shop or car boot, but when it is passed on to you by a friend it comes with a real sense of history to it. This pretty set of 6 teapcups and saucers, teaplates, sandwich plate, milk jug and sugar bowl look great in the photo and even better close up. They are dainty without being so delicate you are afraid to hold them, the orange detail is handpainted and they are in near perfect condition. So where did they come from? Packaged in a box with the message ‘Wedding present 1951, love Gran’, my good and lovely friend Laura recently inherited them from her Gran. A wedding gift to her in 1951 they are a classic example of the style of the day and would have been put on display in her house and used on a regular basis. Laura was keen to see them used again so has donated them to our collection of vintage china items. We are delighted to have them and look forward to seeing others enjoying using them at our next event. Thank you to the lovely Laura!